The rule that states 90% of the time you call a 7-11, the person who answers will be Indian.
The 7-11 Rule
(In Indian Accenet) Hello my friend, welcome to 7-11
by indianboy123 April 16, 2014
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The ultimate test of beauty when one is subjected to the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the 24-hour convenience stores.
Person 1: I was about to go home with this girl I met at a dark club.. but later had to bail after i gave her the 7/11 test.

Person 2: Lucky you stopped for that pack of smokes then..
by house on rock February 16, 2011
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The act of washing your penis (genitals) in a restroom sink after having sex, in an effort to hide the fact you cheated before you go home.
"My wife will be waiting up for me, I better grab a 7-11 shower so she doesn't find out what I was up to."
by Player3597 March 17, 2010
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south Asian people are ‘7/11 brown’ . This includes indian, pakistani, bangladeshi etc. However, this is subjective as muslim south Asians are sometimes considered 9/11 brown as well.
by whatisthisbehaviour7 May 8, 2022
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A friend who is only a friend when it is convient for them.
Paige: Have you noticed Rachel only comes over when we have weed?

Julia: Yeah she is a 7/11 friend.
by OhMeg February 21, 2012
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1) Noun - A particularly nasty blowjob, one that makes you feel like you walked around in 7-11 barefoot.


2)Noun - A girl known for giving nasty blowjobs, especially midget girls.
Stay away from her, dude, she's nothing but a Dirty 7-11.

That bitch gave me a Dirty 7-11 last night.
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Baby can you give me a treat tonight because I'm in the mood?

Niggalation 7:11 is a word used to define affairs and entanglements or a missing piece in a relationship
by JoTheBozoo May 12, 2021
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