Placing a towel in a vagina and then having sex with that partner. After sex, you take a shower and then use the towel to dry off.
Me and you grandma got to use the hygenic towel today after work.
by Billy wang February 29, 2016
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Another name used for Pancakes by Dad the Greatest YouTuber in The Universes in the popular web series Dad Feels. Dad being an alien from out of space is unaware of the human term for Pancakes until informed by Daughter.
"I can't wait to go to Restaurant and have some little towels with food sauce on top"
by Biagio X January 4, 2021
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Another name used for Pancakes by Dad the Greatest YouTuber in The Universes in the popular web series Dad Feels. Dad being an alien from out of space is unaware of the human term for Pancakes until informed by Daughter.
"I can't wait to go to Restaurant and have some little towels with food sauce on top"
by Biagio X January 4, 2021
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When someone flosses a towel between their legs to better dry off their nether regions.
There's nothing better than a hot shower followed by some good ol' towel flossing.
by Kind of a Joey June 7, 2023
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When you leave a giant wet spot on the bed, but you just want to go to sleep you can use a handmaid's towel to soak up the mess. Alternatively, you can put down the handmaid's towel before you fuck to keep your filthy cum off the sheets.
Honey, you blew the stew all over my side of the bed. Can you grab me a handmaid's towel while you are in the bathroom?
by arlingo October 27, 2017
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Sexual frustration in a steam room due to the hot guy sitting across from you.
He was so hot and the only thing I could do to stop myself from groping him in the steam room was eating towels from the locker room.
by NopeNah October 21, 2017
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Mongolian Curse word
Means: alnii alchuur, Bulgaa
Babe have you seen my vagina towel i got to wipe my vagina
by Bulgaa's shadow clone November 28, 2021
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