can also be referred to as a Horse Hopper, is someone who does not own their own horse and so gets rotated around the horses at their barn. However, this term cannot be used on people who have their own horse but ride other peoples more often than their own, or people who own multiple horses.
Pfft I don’t have my own horse, I’m a Barn Whore”
by denvermak June 19, 2023
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The act of destroying a toilet w a massive dump that sprays and splatters
After 12 beers and Taco Bell…I busted down the bathroom door at 7-11 and barn busted the dump hole.
by Lapdog83 July 27, 2022
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When you need to borrow £10 or a ''tenner'' from a friend.

In reference to Alan Barnes donating £10 to the woman who raised a few hundred thousand for him and then received a bill stating she had to pay somewhere around £7,000. Our young local hero Alan give her a tenner for her troubles. Top lad.
Can you help me out mate?

Yeah what is it bro?

I'm skint at the moment, can you lend me a Barnes?
by Gwent Skilatchie February 22, 2021
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To describe a complete moron, or a moronic action.
"This kid is Barnes'd up over there, you see what he just did?"
by redoct April 30, 2022
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to hold an entity liable to conviction without an due with an right.
He's an jail barn.
by On thee trend January 9, 2020
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an annoying red haired, with nasty side burns and a big ugly spikey mop type person who enjoys all qualities of the average nerd.(Tiny lead figure painting, Computer games, star trek, etc.)
One who chooses to seek a mate who is unimaginably ugly, who could be mistaken for the opposite sex or a dog.
A being who mates on the couch with a parent walking in on the pair.
An individual who trys so fit in but is repeatedly denied.
Over all this is a being that is unwanted and should escape from the world that could become a cleaner, more beautiful environment.
"I really don't like those people"
"yeah, the're so ugly that Hoyt Barnes wouldn't even do that!"
by man gooch November 28, 2004
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God of the Underworld.

Has come to earth to study humans. Might come across as socially awkward, but is really just struggling to fit into society.

Upon the day of reckoning, he will suck all the evil souls in this world down with him to his nether realm.

Addicted to bread.

Foot fetish.

Arch enemy is Jesús (the Mexican)
Alexander Paul Jude Barnes has been summoned and we will all be damned!

Who ate all the bread?? Curse you Alexander Paul Jude Barnes!!
by Prof. Dr. Richard Cox November 21, 2021
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