on December 26 , you are allowed to beat up the red Ranger (time force ) for free , he cannot fight back .
"yo bro , this is our chance to beat up the red ranger , for free !"
by AyoBruhDont December 26, 2022
Typically a tan that occurs on Philmont Rangers that gives them a farmers tan on their arms if they are wearing their short sleeve working uniform and a v-neck tan. This is due to the long amounts of time Rangers spend in the backcountry at Philmont either with crews, on days off, or on an assignment for a work day. This is not exclusive however to just the Ranger Department and can often be seen in off duty Backcountry and on/off duty Conservation Department staff and other staff who are out in the backcountry for a period of time. The more inclusive term is "Philtan".
"Dang dude, being out at Philmont for three months this summer really gave you a Ranger tan".
by Mrawesomesauce101 October 1, 2018
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Ranger Dave Ronny sond sondo can go by many names lives for hard dicks but never middle chubs dosnt like girls he/she lives for Friday night Xbox and is a sweat at GTA but still finds a way to suck.
Dude jack is being such a ranger boi he lives for Xbox and knows a guy name Ronny sond

I hear he never middle chubs
by Takindumps11 December 21, 2021
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The act of masturbating with the stranger but because you want to create your own word you call it a ghost ranger and pretend like it’s a shooting term
Let’s all head down range and pull a ghost ranger
by Dr.Brian February 19, 2022
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When you punch someone’s ball sack so hard, it gets sucked into their butthole
He had to go to the hospital after he got a Ranger Ryan
by Ladybaby45 August 23, 2019
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