A massive, dunny blocking turd that requires the assistance of a foreign object before it will flush.
Mate, the King Kong choker I shat out this morning was so big I had to force it down with the toilet brush.
by krisholio March 31, 2022
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When your penis shrinks without your realizing, you sit down to go to the bathroom, and you end up peeing over the edge of the toilet onto the floor and possibly onto your pants
Hey Kevin, what’s on your pants? Did you take a Hong Kong golden shower?
by Lilbigs September 18, 2023
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someone who gets no bitches because they don't not talk to women at all- this may be due to them not caring about their appearance at all, or simply their negative eq and inability to make conversation.

they also probably don't touch grass, and when you bring it up they give a shitty excuse that they play a sport that's not really a sport (such as sailing)
"what operating system does ur computer use?"
"omg thats such an Ethan Kong thing to say"
by ahri_fangirl May 29, 2022
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Hong kong Life is a way of life embodied by a few basic principles, we will get into shortly. Lets start with the origins, i was first introduced to this way of life in 2010 in my travels in asia. I ran into a kind Australian bloke who began to teach me the true meaning of a well balanced life. Ill never forget one of the most valuable lessons my bupu mentor taught me was to never turn down a chance at porking, because one day i would regret not porking all those girls when im weak ans feeble and my porking days are over.

So the basic day to day principles are very easy to get the hang of. One being PMW, pussy, money weed. These are always going to be the top threw priorities on the day to day for one who follows this way of life. Remember, dont turn your nose up at some slizz! The next is BFF, this is Bag Fun Friends. Life is short and securing the bag is necessary for freedom which then leaves room for just having fun and copping the homies insane drip. I will never stop this lifestyle and my mentor, wherever you are out there, i wish you many luck and much sex. Peace Love and Bupu.
Hong kong lifestyle keeps my bag lookin good, i get sit back and sucked, im a golden god. Never felt this good.
by Bupu Warrior April 7, 2021
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A person who usually bangs drugs via IV and gets in an angry rage.
Hey dude! Watch out for those people. They are konging like a mf
by Beedee Kong January 11, 2022
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When kinging (sitting on a someones face so they can lick a males ass) the male proceeds to bang on his chest like King Kong.
During forplay the other night, Ryan say on my face and beat on his chest. He was Konging me.
by EssBee_33 September 23, 2020
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Walking very fast around tourist destinations, driven by FOMO. The person with the high knees is virtually running in an attempt to see every attraction and experience the destination to its fullest.

Other variations include the Singapore Shuffle and Tokyo tap dance.
I’m glad Dad was wearing his yellow cap. He went “Hong Kong high knees” as soon as he got out of the subway at Kowloon and we almost lost him.
by The Zurnich July 30, 2023
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