The ratio of your wages to how many kids you have essentially leaving you broke. A tool that is used by potential Baby Mama's to see how breedable you are. When trading up they are climbing that GR Ladder
Me : Damn bro. Dale's Baby Mama done left him. She climbing that Garnishable Ladder.

Paul :. What's his Garnishable Ratio ?

Me:. 5 kids on $50000. So he's 10000. Her new man got none on $100000.

Paul: Bitch be climbing that GR ladder.
by BandanaMan🧝 May 19, 2022
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When you grade a girl on whether or not she is hot. Date to Sex.
Your a D to S ratio 10:8.
by Poop da Shmoop May 8, 2016
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When you have an ANOL and an ANOLO which is AN OLO you take a measurement.
The ratio of OPEN MOUTH CIRCUMFERENCE to OPEN ASSHOLE CIRCUMFERENCE is AN OLO RATIO. THERE are two AN OLO RATIOS as the reciprocal is such. To be clear it is ONOL/ONOLO = OPENED MOUTH/OPENED ASSHOLE and the reciprocal is ONOLO/ONOL = OPENED ASSHOLE/OPENED MOUTH , the reciprocal is always the ONOLO on TOP = OPENED ASSHOLE on TOP.
by PEDOPHILE PEDOPHILE August 30, 2021
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When your comment gets more likes than the post you commented on, but you didn't intend for that to happen.
Guy 1 makes a post on Twitter. Guy 2 comments on said post, and gets more likes than him.
Guy 1: Dude! Did you just ratio me?
Guy 2: Uh... It looks like it.
Guy 1: Why though??
Guy 2: I didn't intend to ratio you!
Guy 1: Oh. So, I guess it was just a natural ratio.
by TheRandomGuy_BD August 4, 2022
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How much of a bro someone with a gnarly flow really is. Usually measured on a scale of 1-10. A bro who lands himself a 10 would often be considered head of dudes in most scenarios requiring some sort of leadership and would be conidered a bro by everyone. The ratio in written form would be whatever number the bro achieves followed by a ":" and then the word flow. Ex. 6:Flow
Bro 1: Dude, that bro has some gnarly locks..

Bro 2: I agree but ive talked to him before and his flow-to-bro ratio is only like 4:flow.

Bro 1: Thats too bad, I thought he would be more of a bro...
by Fruitsnackstothemax July 10, 2013
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an word to roast @kredillionyt and @nohohokun by exposing his face reveal and his comment
everyone: nice face reveal ratio 😹👎
kredillionyt: spam comments
nohohokun: exposing everyone 💀
by tiktokhasnotalent_773y February 6, 2023
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The simple way of knowing if you should pursue a chick. Her hotness must out weigh her thotness.
Yo, what do you think about that chick over there? "Bro her hot to thot ratio is a 40/60" Aw damn never mind then.
by TheeWolfmanVlad September 7, 2017
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