A person who is annoying you while you are enjoying pornographic films.
The old man wouldn't stop nerding so I had to ruin his shit.
by Esch8 March 15, 2003
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1.a kid who gets really good grades and is a goody good
2.someone who plays video games every day or most of the time
3.a creeper
4. someone who has no freinds

5.thinks of other sex all the time, or the same sex

6. someone that is preepy
7.no lifes/bums
8.someone who dosnt talk enless someone talks to them or is told to talk
9.wanna be's
10.likes school or enjoys it, looks forward to it
11.knows alot of words
12.sits on the computer/tv all day
13.a kid thats over ten years old and still plays with alot of toys
14.spends alot of time with there mom's and dad's
15.somene who thinks they are smart
16.a really dumb person, knows nothing about anythingor whats going on in the world.
i have other definitions for a nerd but i didnt feel like putting them on here
that kid is a nerd, he got all A+'s.
by someone from michagan March 20, 2010
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A name given to a person that is generally known to be obsessed to a certain topic .

Stereotypes of nerds include:

1. Intellegent
2. Pathetic
3. Obsessed with things like computers, anime, science, and etc.
4. Glasses
5. A Pet Peeve
6. Feeble
The Truth is Nerds aren't all intelligent, pathetic or annoying. But some people develop a "Nerd Complex" after be teased and socially rejected some they decide to act smart or pathetic intentionally.

But a Nerd is simply a person obsessed to something to an extreme point. It nothing to do with IQ.

Also a Nerd can also be someone that easily gets obsessed.
Nerd:" Dead Space 2 better not have any more Asteroids!"
by Opopi July 19, 2009
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All of you dont are mis-interpreting the meaning of "nerd", nerd is not a person, nerd is the substance that covers a "Geek", making him the most useless, most lame, and the most cut-off from the rest of the world loser. A person who is full of nerd usually wears the following:
1. Nerdy glasses.
2. Ugly, no-longer-fashionable shirt .
3. Ugly no-longer fashionable pants (should be raised as much as possible).
4. Long socks.
5. Old shoes, that used to be cool when ADIDAS released it's first sneakers.
6. Huge watch which little kids like to wear.
7. Ugly bowl haircut.
8. The first Nokia phone ever released with "who let the dogs out" ringtone.
9. Lamest personality ever..EVER.
CAUTION : "Nerd" is a highly contagious substance and should be totally avoided. "Nerd" covers a geek and all of his possesions, so DO NOT take or borrow any of the geek's possesions unless you're gonna use them to kill the nerd.Note: No cure has yet been discovered to get rid of "nerd", simply because "Geeks" are not willing to find the cure because it will remove all the "nerd" from them.
Mike: Duude, can i borrow a pen?
Larry the Geek : Sure, which one? I have a collection :D
Chris: Mike, dude, don't take it, it's full of "nerd", you'll get the "nerd" on yourself duude. You can't get rid of that shit.
Mike: OH F@%K !
by ShinySpoons November 24, 2008
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People who obsess over horror movies. They don’t think they are nerds but they are.
Jerome is a horror nerd. He was talking to the other horror nerds about how much he loves scary flicks.
by Mique Zee February 2, 2021
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Nerd Nectar refers to cognitive enhancers. Flmodafinil, Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil, Phenylpiracetam, Afobazole, Sunifiram, Selegiline, Caffeine and B-vitamins are Nerd Nectar. Usually, nerd nectar refers to Caffeine and Modafinil.
I had a monster energy drink and a Modafinil pill and studied for hours. Then played videogames. That nerd nectar was awesome!
by CynderFanclub April 19, 2020
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I was playing gun game on blops og and this kid kept winning, that kid was such a sweaty nerd
by Officerwilson August 12, 2017
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