When you sit on both hands until they go numb. You then use one to masturbate while putting the other in your ass.
Man I think I need to stop watching porn. Last night I pulled a stranger danger and got poop on my keyboard.
by Biggersexier March 4, 2021
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This act is done by one man, and one man only. They call him “Danger” because everyone fears him. His sexual fetish is one that is never heard of before, but encouraged for all. The “Stranger Danger” move involves clamping two pegs on your nipples and then rubbing tomato sauce all over your head and armpits.
I dare you to do the Stranger Danger on Kimmii
by BigDickusMickus May 19, 2020
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Yo marcus just killed the whole north korean army with a pistol and somehow survived
Damn you know what they say "Whatever doesnt kill you makes you stranger" must be a really strange boi
by lol xd xd 123 456 November 22, 2021
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A traditional pastime in British culture in which one invites a couple of strangers one has never met to ones one house, and serves them a three-course-meal. This may include a snarky narrator, but that's just in ones own head.
I had some fellas from my neighbourhood around for stranger din dins, it was proper good. Everyone enjoyed my sausage surprise trifle!
by rerulili August 11, 2022
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The art of boning strangers once you have had sex with everything you know. In other words, whoring around and getting aids. Good life.
Holy shit, she had sex with everyone here in Detroit. She must be stranger boning now.

Damn that sucks, I already gave her 2 stds.

O shit, I got it from you then!
by niggabitchsluthoe86 May 22, 2014
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A message you just sent yourself as a reminder, but forgot about soon enough to be thrilled by the beep signaling "mail received". Like if other people actually wanted to text you.
Mechanism akin to that of Stranger's hand.
Damn! I thought someone remembered my birthday this year, but it's stranger mail with this article on suicide I wanted to save for later.
by adasny March 23, 2018
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