a prick who talks shit
dude look at that guy

yeah hes such a cactus nig!
by 1i1nig March 26, 2016
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1)Red cactus is a slang term for vaginitis, a redenning and inflamation of the vagina. Red cactus, like most slang, can be used to degrade or embarass someone.

2)Red cactus can also be a term for a whore or prostitute. It can also be used to dicribe a woman that is "An easy fuck" or someone that you can get to have some sort of sexual intercourse with you because of the possibility of her having a vaginal disease suck as, previousely mentioned, vaginitis.
1) Doctor: I'm sorry, Cara, you have red cactus.

Cara: Huh?

Doctor: You have vaginitis.

2) Jordan: Omg, look at Cara! She's such a red cactus! I mean, look at all the guys checking her out!

Sidney: Ikr, she dresses like a total whore!
by mason4456 May 23, 2010
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Any hole or object used to have intercourse (or masturbate with) that is very dry. Feels as though your penis is being harassed by a cactus. Often leads to chaffing and inevitable pain with possible blood loss.
That was one hell of a night, but her asshole is a dusty cactus.

She said to stick it in, so I did. We didn't have any lube for that Dusty Cactus. Owey

My cock is so raw that it's bleeding. Damn Dusty Cactus. I'm never doing anal again.
by ObviousDailyLingo January 26, 2016
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The act of a man covering his penis in glue, getting sand all over it, and having anal sex with his partner.
Since we're on the beach with a bottle of glue, how about I give you a pokey cactus?
by Bshshdbs December 4, 2015
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1.) The act having sex with a cactus, usually in a desert in Arizona. When the male party is about to climax, he forcibly shoves his testicles against the cactus' most sharp needles. As he ejaculates onto the cactus, he then removes his testicles.

2.) Someone who performs this act.

3.) A red penguin with large nipples.
1.) I'm so horny, I could do the cactus sack.

2.) That guy is such a cactus sack.

3.) Why does that cactus sack have such bangin' tits?
by Upgraded Toast September 19, 2013
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Someone or something that is crazy like a cactus. This is a subdued but noticeable type of crazy. Also Alliteration
by tther November 30, 2021
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