When two people (usually lesbians) scissor and lift their hips up at the same time. Similar to a hip thrust.
by Evanissocoollikeyeahyeah January 26, 2022
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A lay that is one above a dead horse except she is awake for it.
The other night when I fucked Christie, she just laid there with her legs barely spread like a dead scissor.
by March 17, 2021
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When 2 people pucker up their butthole and scissor as if their anuses were kissing, creating a suction in which the anus pulls on the other person's anus for pleasure.
"Yo me and my girl last night we're practicing our scissor-kiss. I swear my jungle bridge was so wet from her snatch"
by ErosSlav6661 January 10, 2021
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A pair of older aged lesbians that engage in sexual activities such as scissoring.
I met our new neighbors today, husband says to wife. Wife replied with, The rusty scissors across the street?, I heard they were very nice.
by Bitch Pudding December 20, 2021
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A sex position that lesbians do during intercourse.
They usually spread their legs to the max and start rubbing their fruits together.
Person 1: I keep hearing moans and crashing sounds on the ceiling, what's going on!?
Person 2: Jane just started scissoring her girlfriend.
Person 1: Oh...
by Zach the internet guy December 28, 2022
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When two girls fuck so basically rub their coochies all over each other and cum white osshie gooshy stuff everywhere.
I got scissoring last night by Jessa and she cummed shit on my mouth.
by Ian Book December 10, 2020
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