a place where you "learn" and "have fun"
S- Six
C- Cold
H- Hours
O- Of
O- Our
L- Lifes
i hate school so much, it just wastes my time of my life.
by power that makes you say yes September 29, 2017
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Me: By Mom, I'm off to hell
Mother: See you at 3:00

Example of school!
by NBell05 February 17, 2017
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Ethan walked to school knowing that he will be here for a while.
by PhysicsOreo December 12, 2016
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School is a Like H3ll and prison
School is H3ll
by cvxjcvknlvfnb December 8, 2021
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if you see a devil (teacher) you are in school
by random idiot xd March 21, 2018
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"A place of happiness where young children get to run free and learn to be responsible and succeed in life. I beautiful and marvelous place where young people get to interact in kind, happy ways as they share thoughts and feelings... a safe place, where students can learn important life skills they will need in the future such as Algebra and be happy and vulnerable as well." Said NO ONE EVER and what NO ONE EVER will say!

A place of misery where young child has to do things such as algebra under the lie that it is teaching them things that they will need in the future. A miserable, where young people go to compete in the rigged and no-win contest among all the other students for any sliver of recognition... A terribly unsafe place, where students may go to get bullied.

Then theres the school system itself.

- you must raise your hand to speak

- you must ask permission to go to the bathroom or fill up your water bottle
- you often are told where you have to sit
- you have to work quietly and you will get in trouble if you are not

Ever seen a picture of a prison bus??

look it up, it's literally a blue or white school bus!!!!!
Mom - Hi Honey! How was your day at school?
Child - Left eye twitches
Mom - Uh, enter name, everything okay?
Child - Left eye twitches

Mom - ...
Child - What's the phone number of the mental ward?
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An infernal hellhole where all hopes and dreams are relentlessly sucked out of children by ruthless people who dedicate there lives to the practice of child torture, which is apparenw legal now.

School in a nutshell: you learn useless crap for 12 years so you can get a piece of paper that says you can do more mindless work in a plain old cubicle and earn minimum wage.

Teacher: OK timmy, what is 9*(8/56*5638*89) to the power of 5. You have 30 seconds

Timmy: wut m8 dat aint fair

Teacher: 20 SECONDS


Teacher: OMG you are like, so gonna like, get suspended you rat

Timmy:*contemplates the fact that normal law doesnt apply to school*

(When timmy gets home)


Teacher:*posts on her twitter,instagram,snapchat, etc(that has her small army of teachers as the only followers)* hAHAHAHAHHAHAHA timmy got rekt m8s lOLOLOLOLOL
The innocent students went to school, or prison.
by A poor innocent child February 7, 2018
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