An improvised maneuver carried out to prevent a person or object from harm. Most often done for small children.

Maneuver is not exclusively for dads. Can also be done by other older family members or family friends.
“I would be retarded today, if my dad hadn’t done that epic dad save near the balcony of the old apartment.”
by Troll face McGee May 9, 2021
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Watching porn.

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Roommate 1: Man, what are you doing in there? All I hear is heavy breathing.
Roommate 2: Go away, I'm saving the whales.
by debren27 February 13, 2016
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To save some money - zero being the factor of ten in currency. i.e the difference between $10, $100 or $1000
“Save some zeros

Bruh you should just buy a broken tape machine and give it to my dad. He’ll fix it. Save some zeros.
by Brightondude23 April 6, 2023
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Saves is when one smokes a cigarette and someone else asks for the last bit of it (usually just less than half).
Can I have saves on that?
by Crakalaker July 28, 2019
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An quick and efficient money maker, also known as The Blueprint;
“I gotta get like Saves.”
by Saves The Blueprint January 4, 2021
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An quick and efficient money maker, also known as The Blueprint;
“I gotta get like Saves.”
“Saves touched more bread than a cashier.”
by Saves The Blueprint January 4, 2021
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To give someone the last 1/16 of your drink ( basically dregs)
Can you give us saves in that luco
by Sup3rninja October 27, 2021
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