When a man's pants ride up and his balls have an outline. A mans version of a camel toe
Hold on while I adjust my pants, I have the Gobbler.
by TakenPseudonym January 19, 2017
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A beta male who performs cunnilingas on on females that no other men are seeking to get with. Often times without sexual satisfaction for themselves.
Jeff is a real cod gobbler
by Big Johnston September 20, 2022
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A cum gobbler is a single person, Jacob vereline, who loves to gobble up cum. Jacob Hall became the biggest faggot is history after he gave dome to Tommy hall, another famous Jew.
by Bug chungles August 28, 2019
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Any person who indiscriminately enjoys the excretions from coitus.
Jezebel: I just couldn’t help myself last night at the sex club, everyone left their mark on me!

Josh: You’re such a fuck sauce gobbler!
by NemoNihil December 13, 2022
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When a woman has a man.But still tries to have relationships with the Nabor’s.
The house Gobbler is out talking to the Nabor’s a certain way. Giving hints that they want some.
by Larry pastor December 16, 2021
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