A social classification that has been bastardized by scenesters, rich preps, and wannabe goths united. A true emo kid does not label him/herself as being "emo"...often this label is foisted on him or her against the alleged emo kid's will. True emo kids listen to whatever the hell music they feel like, and it is often poetic or expressive. Emo is not a clothing style, cutting your wrists, or being a frequent buyer at Hot Topic. Those who call themselves "emo" are most likely just trying to be "scene" and have really screwed up the genre through wearing generic, borderline gothic clothing that all their sad little friends wear.
FAKE EMO KID tries to be emo because it is "scene" at the moment. Is often rich and frequents expensive stores like Hot Topic to cultivate a flawless emo image. May go so far as to draw fake scars in strategic locations so as to look depressed and suicidal. Claims to listen to indie bands that no one else has heard...and neither has the fake emo kid.

TRUE EMO KID was most likely emo before this was a stupid fad. May shop at hot topic, but only if they actually like the clothing, not because they think it will make them look cool. Probably classified by friends and others as "emo"...the label is often not self-professed in the case of the true emo kid. Doesn't give a shit whether music is mainstream or not...it just has to be artistic.
Emo Kids be like
by [ Deleted User ] April 12, 2022
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A depressed cutter with metro style, im emo and its awesome, scene people dont cut them selves all true emos do
wow those two emo kids are so cute togeather, maybe they can borrow eachothers razors to express them selves
by Noah Chaos November 18, 2009
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Slang for emotional kid is a rude term to describe somebody very emotional, naive, or immature.
When Jackie said he could beat me at soccer 1v1, I won so severely that he cried, what an emo-kid.
by TheUselessCopywriter December 9, 2022
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I skinny kid that's annoying, weird, and bitchy at the same time. Normally under the age of 14 unless they're a completely smooth skinned kid that has a buzz cut.
This kid is literally what I would describe as The Kid Next Door.
by AnExtremelyLargebeing January 8, 2021
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Someone who is decently cool but fails in social skills because of the lack of normal environmental experiences as a result of not going to a real school.
Don’t talk to that person, that’s an Atlantic shores kid
by LDaddy69 July 5, 2022
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Basically Kenny (2nd version of Tony Stark) who is rich with a net worth of 12.4 billion 2x doubled.
Hey Timmy have you seen Kenny? No you dumbass his name is RICH AHH KID
by goofy ahh travis scott May 27, 2022
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(Hyperbole) Comfortably filling the loo with a dump the size of a kid, or being in there long enough to have dropped the kids off. Unloading yourself.
by Chicken-fish August 22, 2009
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