When you excuse yourself to use the bathroom and, while away, pause to check your e-mail.
What took you so long? I was on a p-mail break.
by JPK11 January 25, 2009
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Basically sexting only not as dirty (sexting is like talking dirty over text) its normally like a 11 to 16 year old thing and eventually will lead up to a meet(kiss with tounge)
I used to mail him but I dropped him because hes not that fit
by Thebiggingerboi February 2, 2019
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pictures and videos
send me sum mail so i can make your edit
by joe walking January 31, 2022
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by WESIN June 14, 2022
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1. Something old people did to send messages

2. A text that took forever to get to the receiver.
I sure hope the mail gets here on time.
by ADoctor.TheDoctor October 18, 2018
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This is an acronym that means by "My Ass Is Lazy Syndrome". This word is used to get out of your work or school.
And to slowly walk away like a girl boss.
Tcher: Hey why are you not doing anything?
Student: Because I got MAILS!!
Student: Im outta here.

EX 2
Boss: Are you doing your work?
Worker: No.
Boss: Why? Go do it now!
Worker: No. I got MAILS.
Worker: Im outta here.
by kookoogorleye December 15, 2022
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In Northern Ireland mail means to date someone usually they will ask over text “mail xx” and if you said yes the u would probs talk over Snapchat and irl it would be awkward but if you said no you would tell all your ewww he asked me for a mail cause after that he would probs ask every other girl In your class until someone said yes also these mails would last a day or a week at most
Oh yeah I’m mailing him
He asked me for a mail last week ewww
by Jess.schnapp December 27, 2021
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