A person who uses too many hash tags in one sentence on a Social Media Platform, usually someone who cannot speak English very well.
Facebook Status: #omg #coffee #sogood #atStarbucks #lol #hashtag
Comment: What a hashtag abuser
by monkeyman41 August 3, 2014
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Usually for bitches who just want attention, but a hashtag abuser is someone who uses way to many hashtags than needed in their Twitter, instagram, tumblr, or Facebook
boy: "Ugh she is such a hashtag abuser."
girl: "And a bitch."
by Photography for life August 3, 2014
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Somebody who uses to many hashtags
Did you see Jake's caption?
Yeah he's a total hashtag abuser
by bevster August 4, 2014
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Hannah abuse is the act of making a big fukie wukie an owo sowry an uwu lmao
Hannah: i forgot to do my taxes thats a hannah abuse moment
by Lmao6969696969 November 11, 2019
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Abused by technology : users being stalked by algorithyms to benefit an app creator or advertisers. taking advantage of users by showing them "eye candy". This technique allows the user to be distracted while trying to complete a task at hand, advertisement displayed is sure to pique the interest of the user and take them away from their priority task.
For most websites, the user is interacting with Bots as they seek assistance, not a human. If a bot communicates to users in the wrong context it is therefore, not a human to blame. Robots do mislead users to buy plug ins they don't need, for example as it is an upsell. Beneficial for the Corporate Giant. Not the user.
When the Corporate Giants of tech are allowing algorythms to trick thier users, not correcting falsified information given by bots, withdrawing money from users accounts, and not providing the service in which was intended, falsifying reality to our young and all the while the ones employed there don't allow thier children on thier own sites...it is Technologically abusive.
Taking advantage of humans, using their weaknesses, depriving users of personal accounts approx 10 days due to a lack of adequate staff. Humans using Robots to do thier dirty work to other humans. In some cases, tech giants are collecting money from accounts that they know the user has not used. They monitize and can see and hear you at all times ..they are taking your money the robots will then take blame.
Not only have I had to deal with the realism of a pandemic, but being left with no cell service or computer for 10 straight months, after enduring physical, psycological, emotional and mental abuse. I get back to civilization to realize the worst is just beginning as now i am being "technoligically abused and I actually think technological abuse is the worst form of abuse yet! How are we enforcing ZERO TOLERANCE CYBER BULLYING ? Whomever surfs the net is contradicting thier anti bullying belief, because we are ALL actually supporting it! Algarithyms are corporate giant bullies.
by Bobby cyn Waugh August 9, 2021
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