A modern-day descendant of the famous Cinderella's-carriage-recycler, this shameless freeloader-dude scuttles around to all da local banks --- even the ones that he doesn't have an account with --- on Fridays, when they offer free bags of salt-buttered popcorn.
Peter, Peter, popcorn-eater
Skips a meal; no tummy-cheater
He takes two popcorn-bags (don't tell)
Then fills his stomach very well.
by QuacksO July 6, 2018
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The feeling you get when a kernal gets stuck between your teeth while eating popcorn.
This kernal is so stuck I feel like I have popcorn braces!
by nhnavybrat February 22, 2016
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The feeling you get when you get kernals stuck between your teeth while eating popcorn.
Wow, this kernal is so stuck I feel like I have popcorn braces!
by nhnavybrat February 22, 2016
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Thunder that certainly sounds like popcorn in a microwave. The building up of suspense such as crackling, popping, loud, etc.
I was sleeping last night peacefully, but I awoke to Popcorn Thunder.
by campm August 19, 2022
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