When a party is being thrown and someone either texts the host, or somebody at the party, if they can show up even though they were not originally invited.
Sonya texted Alfred at 10:30 if she and two friends could pull up to Byron’s function even though the party was already in full swing. Sonya contributed to the TAPE Effect. This and opening a pack of gum in class in front of everybody give off the same energy. Everybody wants a piece.
by RoflSalts88 March 20, 2023
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A term used to describe a closeted (gay or otherwise) individual who does not do the best job at hiding it. It sticks out as a sore thumb, or rather, as a piece of tape on somebody's leg.
"Ugh, you see him over there? That guy is such a tape leg."

"He's clearly gay, it's almost embarrassing."
by SaladToss November 5, 2020
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When teachers lock children in their rooms by "taping" their doors shut.
omg are they taping us right now?! -Camino 2019
by mailereid June 24, 2019
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The last album by the musician DeVon Hendryx (That now formally goes by JPEGMAFIA). The album is known by many by its most common theme, to be dark, slow, sad, ambient, reverbed and lofi. The album lyrical themes also dive into self reflective topics like sexuality, suicide, relationships and being comfortable with going through a depression. When it was released it found critical acclaim for being as open and transparent as it is, and even blew up more as JPEGMAFIA started to get more traction in later years.
Person 1: Hey man, what are you listening to?
Person 2: Oh, i'm listening to that one album THE GHOST ~ POP TAPE.
Person 1: Oh cool... you good bro? If you ever need to talk i'm here man.
by Sideways* May 22, 2023
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The infamous Twitch Plays Pokemon KEKW parody video of Bexxxxxxx exposing the mass corruption and coverups surrounding the SinR fiasco.
"Hey yo did you see that Bex Tape?"
"Yeah man I watched it while eating at Waffle House"
"That seems a bit insensitive considering the subject matter don't you think man?"
by fireball9801 April 6, 2021
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