When your shit gets caught in your ass hair and makes little balls (or knots). Can also be known as dingleberry’s.
- Hey bro, I can’t come out tonight.
- why not?
- I’ve got to deal with a few whale knots... I’ll come out next weekend.
by JoeBerry November 25, 2019
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Person 1: Hey you wanna get Knotted Down?

Person 2: Sure, I always wanted to get Knotted Down!
by Engineer July 7, 2021
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Useful knot in boating and any rope related bonding.
Tom described how the tie a bowline knot; "form an loop, up the bum, do the reach around and bring it back through"
by itsalltrue June 17, 2023
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the attempt to "rizz" up a female with a football/basketball card
check out my knot rizz, ma'am my I interest you in this rookie rated LaMELO BALL, numbered.
by THE_SKELETON_ March 27, 2023
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The ancient art of spreading one's butt cheeks apart and touching anus's.
My friend Bill is right into yoga and shit, I heard he gave jenn the balloon knot squeak. It's when you lay ass to ass, and touch anus's
by Canadian not a cannotadian January 3, 2022
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when two gay males tie their penis' into all the way from a single to quadruple knot, and then get erections in order to untie them and then proceed in order to cum all over each other.
Are we gonna do the boyscout knot tonight.
by SlappinEwoksLikeDemHoes October 24, 2010
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When you gotta crap so bad it hurts and wont move
She went to the crapper all bent over, like an hour ago, I bet she has a duce knot keeping her in there.
by Cooter polluter October 15, 2017
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