The law states that if you wait in line, usually an hour or more, for a roller coaster, that coaster will break down just before you get on it. The breakdown in this case forces you to miss the ride.
After waiting for 2 hours to ride Kingda Ka, it just HAD to break down on me! Murphy's roller coaster law at work!
by Always Obsessing July 10, 2023
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"You can leave a pitted/abraded/scratched/bubbled/discolored windshield in your car till 0%!$@&# Doomsday and it will never get hit, but then just as soon as you actually REPLACE said "ancient" glass wif a brand new one, THAT'S when you'll get a bleepin' BIG OL' PEBBLE tossed up by a passing vehicle, and star-crack your nice shiny-fresh windshield all to Hell!"
After several years I eventually got sick and tired of all da misty triplex-haze on my car's original-from-the-factory windshield, and so I finally replaced it --- wouldn't you know that the VERY NEXT DAY it got a huge crack in it after a rock got thrown up by the wheel of a passing dump-truck! Ahhhhrrrggggghhhhh... classic case of Murphy's Law Of Windshield-Damage, I guess!!
by QuacksO July 31, 2018
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When all else fails.
Read the directions.

Usually becomes necessary after Murphy's Law has run it's course.
After putting out all the fires, and cleaning up the mess, the crew decided to obey Murphy's Rule and read the directions!
by mayfieldenator March 12, 2023
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This day is we’re you hold a super duper cute girl named Katie Murphy’s hand and if you pass up that opportunity ever you don’t deserve her because she’s freaking great and deserves the best
It’s National hold a Murphy’s hand day and Katie Murphy’s right there
by Goodballllllllllll October 17, 2019
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The trio of the Murphy Family, Dunbar the unibrow, Wyatt the fucked up hair in the back, and Ditzell the birthmark/mole that pusses out nasty shit. A pretty sick fucking family if you ask me
Murphy Family
by raspersnacks April 29, 2011
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If this is your name you probably don’t wash your hair enough.
“Why is that person’s scalp so greasy?”

“Oh, that’s just Samantha Murphy.”
by miso_olive_soup November 24, 2021
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When a drivers Ed students hit the barrel while parallel parking during the drivers test.
You failed your drivers test by pulling a Murphy-Jarvis!
by Coach Jackson December 3, 2021
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