Smartest Mofo ever

Barry Joe lives in San Fransico with his super rich parents moching off them. He weighs 400 pounds, is a god at rocket league, thinks Oklahoma is on the east coast, went to harvard at age 9, graduated at age 8 after inventing the time machine, and is the starting quaterback at his middle school, and only eats salad. Runs track for Ohio state somehow.
Person 1 "Yo do you know Barry Joe?"
Person 2 "I know a couple of Barry Joes, which one do you mean?"
Person 1 "The retarded looking one"
Person 2 "Oh u mean Barry Joe Mama"
by oihp3q49paewfug9p203u9 September 13, 2022
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He lovvvvvvvvvvvvves military fails. And talks about how he has American friends and is going there.
Hey im joe williams i have American friend bye.
by hahahahahahaahahahah August 9, 2022
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a term that was used in the 2008 final presidential debate to describe somebody that works hard and is worried about the economy of our coutry.
We all need to follow the example of Joe the Plumber to make America a better country economically
by da gloria October 17, 2008
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Thinks he is proper solid with his Tik-Tok account but is actually a big minor.
That Joe Goss is such a minor.
by Orangepeel31 November 5, 2018
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Joe Mamaaaaaaaaaaa
Saying "Joe mama" Which Is Like Saying "Your mom" But In A Other way, At the same time "Joe mamaaaaaaaaaaa" Is the same thing but you say it more times, Or Longer.
by Dessi Chan February 27, 2021
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Joe momma sus 😳

A version of the "Joe Momma" joke that I'm honestly not completely sure anyone thought of before me. (Pretty sure it's been thought of a bunch of times tho)
P1: have you heard about Joe Su?
P2: Who's Joe Su?"
P1: Joe momma sus"
P3: Lmaoooooooō
P4: bruh did you just say lmao in real life? That's kinda sus
P6: amogus*
P5: ...
P5: I hate you
by fuck off nosy ass prick December 12, 2021
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