The sperm that won the race and turned out to be a clueless human.
You just tripped over your own shoelace swim champ.
by digital_poi November 9, 2015
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The party thrown by buddies for a great guy after he announces he will be a father. The party typically includes, fine meat, such as aged ribs, pork shoulder and artisanal cheese fixed in a Valhalla fashion in a get away weekend of fun and based around the lollygagging and tom foolery that dudes enjoy with pulling over another.
Corey texted his friends that he was going to be a father. His friend Deed replied, how about we take you upstate for a Boy's Can Swim Soiree?
by manfun January 13, 2012
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When the body of water is extremely warm and feels like a giant piss spot.
It feels like I'm swimming in piss with how hot this water is
by Moleratata April 15, 2023
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A pre-ejaculatory liquid that is clear and slides out of a man's urethra and onto his shaft. it rolls off like water off a ducks back; highly viscous pre-ejaculatory seminal fluid.
Joe had a lot of swimming duck in his pants today. Did you see that, Cheryl?
by JewCorner March 4, 2022
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What you'd call the unflushed shit in your toilet after defecating.
Rob: yo imma call u back later i gotta go drop da lil kids off at the compton swim meet
by WillieStroker March 15, 2010
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When you throw your kid in a lake to teach them how to swim and if they start sinking you throw them a non alcoholic beer for being a tosser
Lady: Does anyone have any recommendations for swimming lessons?

James: Just give your kid Irish swimming lessons, it's cheaper and they'll develop psychological disorders when they grow up.

Lady: ....Ok, anybody else have a better recommendation?
by 27DMac July 18, 2019
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the dirty swim team is a sex act mostly performed by men, it involves the man defecating into swim goggles and then forcing the woman to wear them for 3-4 days the after the 4 days when her eye is completely diseased,the man fucks her eye until it falls out which the woman must then consume covered in the mans cum
Todd: Hey john what happened last night with Karen?
John: I started a dirty swim team on her a few days ago and finished it last night.
by bennyboy6999 May 23, 2015
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