A= adorable

B= beautiful

C=colour full

E= e m t y

You are abcdefghijA B C D E F G H I J K is funny
by Cottage crochet lover August 21, 2021
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A 14 year old cat hailing from the united kingdom, uses intellectual rhymes , Uses stong lyrics and a piercing voice to deliver his message, Known well for his diss against mc dreded and mc kryptic,
We can't hear ya vocals - Ya on what ace first-did...That clown dreded sounds like a bitch with a dildo inserted! - Ace-B (Royal Flush)
by rislip April 23, 2005
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$B is a Narcistic lying cheating gambler that thinks he's never wrong but always is. Don't let the name $B fool you because he's always broke. Ironicly his middle is BITCH because he acts like one.
Why would you go by the name $B if your always broke?
by Ex $b queen October 30, 2021
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B-Squad Is A Species Of The "Pedofile". They go around trying to have sex with children and start relationships with them and manipulate them using weird voices. they are also very much stupid and cunty! Very Stupid, Dumb and A Bitch! They Go Around Naked With Their Tiny Wiener Out.
Hey dude...you remind me of B-Squad...are you a nonce ?
Of course not!...What's a Nonce ?
A Pedofile.

by SnukVA May 31, 2021
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