11 definitions by l a w n m o w e r

A place where authors and words both get boners.
I defined a word in Urban Dictionary today!
by l a w n m o w e r November 9, 2020
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Action of going into a vent. Anybody who sees you do this will go to the nearest red button and accuse you of mass homicide and being an alien impostor, and get everyone to kill you. Unless you kill them 1st or accuse them instead.
by l a w n m o w e r November 8, 2020
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An idiot who doesn't believe the people who studied for years and blame phones for their kids death when it really was the choice to not vaccinate. Also a synonym for idiot, smooth brain, small brain, microscopic brain, and no brain.
I met a stupid anti-vaxxer at the store today, and got at least 50 diseases and viruses!
by l a w n m o w e r November 8, 2020
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