Yo I know you have that test later this week, but you want some study head?
by Radikal123 February 5, 2018
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When that act of studying sends you into a depressive state. Symptoms include; sudden onset of fatigue, self doubt, lack of confidence, increase or decrease in appetite, irritability and fantasies about academic failure.
Matt: OMG I will never pass this test, I 'm too stupid!

Rachael: You will, you always pass your tests, you douche.

Matt: No I won't. I can't concentrate, I get so tired as soon as I open my book! Tomorrow I'll bomb out. I might as well quit the course now!

Rachael: Don't be a tool! You've got study depression, you'll get over it.
by Blue Nerf February 23, 2016
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1. Drunken Social Studies Teacher is a nickname given to a drunken (or stupid) individual at a bar (or wherever) that states random "facts" about a historicall, racial or political topics with little or no accuracy.

2. Drunken Social Studies Teacher is also a drinking game centered around a drunken (or stupid) individual at a bar (or wherever) that states random "facts" about a historical, racial or political topic with little or no accuracy, wherein the witnesses of said ramblings drink every time the aforementioned makes an inaccurate remark.
Tell the bartender we need another round, the Drunken Social Studies Teacher at the end of the bar is at it again!
by Toecutterguitar August 8, 2019
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The technique of studying naked to retain more of what you learn with positive assosiation and limited distractions.
by Notmarkparker4 April 12, 2018
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study girls who are hurt.
guy: IM a savant in the study of bustology
guy 2: cadet, rellllaxxxxxxxxx, yardy know I know the hurt girls, no need to study
by Bravo team 9 December 12, 2018
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stuff my science teacher says every day and low-key flex her biology sills
if you want to study biology in s4, you will learn more about this
by random ppl May 18, 2021
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