Sick, twisted, cool, rad, awesome, amazing
Dude, that Inverted 900 was wicked ill
by Silly Siblings July 16, 2008
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An illness where the doctors could find a tangible cause through modern methods of divination (such as blood tests and x-rays) and therefore feel confident that potions, cutting, and the application of poisons with powerful paradoxical mojo will surely work and not be wasted. Such illnesses are called "structural", the opposite of which is "functional." When divination methods fail or produce ambiguous results, the patient is said to have a functional or psychiatric illness and is given specific time periods to bitch and moan about imaginary problems. This is not considered respectable because it fails to promote the position and power of the medical profession.
-You know how that weirdo Craig acts like such a psycho, crying all the time, yelling, making no sense, frothing at the mouth and all kinds of other scary shit?
-Oh yeah, I told the dude straight up that he needs professional help.
-OMG, dude! Turns out they did an x-ray on his head. It's all kinds of messed up in there. Turns out Craig has a non-psychiatric illness.
-No way! That is so weird. Well, anyone who acts like that needs professional help anyway, IMHO.
by KeepItSweet November 17, 2022
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An expression used by urban rap artists to describe ex-girlfriends & silly girls.
Ur soo ill-conceived u silly girll!
by RaisingD September 21, 2010
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Anything of extremely awesome proportions. Proposed to combine two great things--money and butt--both of which are totally rad. Money, as everyone knows, may not buy happiness but it sure can buy some cool gear. And butt, need one say more?
Brohamuel A: Dude, did you like that sick longboarding sesh we had the other day?
Brohamuel B:Ya bro, it was totally ill money butt. Let's go check our butt mail, see if some hoes are on the line.
by Abdul CC Rat September 16, 2009
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Irrevocable mental illness primordially spread by a dangerous specimen called Minh.
You are suffering from Minhtel illness.
Leave her. She has Minhtel illness.
by doweliveinasociety January 9, 2022
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ill-wun is tha tuffest payge on
ill-wun iz so tuff
by RaS Iz Da MaNn May 26, 2003
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The situation where you loose a liquid money or asset
Aaron is ill liquid because he sold his trust
by December 1, 2021
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