When somebody washes the dishes even though they probably don't want to
I want to live a more respectable life, I'm going to practice dishes accountability. Also see dishes negligence spoonless creep
by kitchenspazz April 27, 2016
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What my friend Ben calls belly buttons
Hey show me your cinnamon dish you little stinker.
by Oldwhoremikey July 5, 2020
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Defines someone who has hair that is often mistaken as pubic hair and is often an inbred.
Damn! Look at that Radar Dish on that inbred Jarrod.
by BlueTrident101 March 22, 2019
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Something that you probably have on the table to your left
Go clean those fucking dirty dishes, you piece of shit.
by broken glass and crashing September 1, 2023
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When you defecate on top of someone’s dishes in their kitchen sink .
Yo I heard Brenda took a dish duke at Tia’s house last week .
by Headlocknoogie November 23, 2021
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If you have Dish Network this there is a better chance this happens
Once she knew I only had the Dish there was nothing left to do but dish and deep throat.
by bigdeez August 2, 2018
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