When you are playing videos games with your friends and get up from the computer without saying a single word. You don't leave the game or the discord call. You just wander off into the void.
We were mid game and we lost because one of our team mates went on vacation.
by SquiggleHawk November 23, 2021
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an outfit bought weeks or months in advance to only be worn for the first time on vacation. most likely to dressy or trendy for the enviroment they will be wearing it in.
"Did you see that girls outfit? She's a little over dressed for Flordia isnt she?"

"Must be a vacation outfit, shes probably been saving it for a while."
by TinaRW June 16, 2008
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when a workplace piling up someone's numbers of works before or after that person got his/her vacation because the workplace afraid of losing their money by having that person off work for a period of time.
"im quiting"
"why? i thought giving you vacation was enough?"
"well, they are just fake vacation ."
by jarniwan October 29, 2023
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When you take a vacation day and don't tell your significant other
Don't tell my wife I'm up here drinking on my secret vacation.
by Deadbolt0804 March 23, 2015
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When a YouTuber makes a video or posts on social media about going on a trip for content but actually didn't. But they made a video on how they did that later.
Jim: "Did you see 'Natalie's Outlet?' That Japan trip she went on."
John: "Yeah. It was a suspicious vacation."
by susgirl January 25, 2019
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When you go on vacation but work twice as hard as your regular day job.
Hey Qazimi, Shaban, wanna go on an Albanian vacation and build a road alongside of a mountain? Po!

Hey Valon, Graniti, wanna go on an Albanian vacation? We’ll put together furniture for 5 days in Florida. Qyre Qyre sounds like a blast!

Hey Vjollca, your regular day job is too easy. I think you need an Albanian vacation. Po te lutem, nothing like a hard days work in paradise!
by Anton Kastraveci September 5, 2019
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When you go on vacation but work twice as hard as your regular day job.

Albanian Americans are one of the hardest working cultures in the world.
Hey Qazimi, Shaban, wanna go on an Albanian vacation and build a road alongside of a mountain? Po!

Hey Valon, Graniti, wanna go on an Albanian vacation? We’ll put together furniture for 5 days in Florida. Qyre Qyre sounds like a blast!

Hey Vjollca, your regular day job is too easy. I think you need an Albanian vacation. Po te lutem, nothing like a hard days work in paradise!
by Anton Kastraveci September 15, 2019
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