2 definitions by Anton Kastraveci

When you go on vacation but work twice as hard as your regular day job.
Hey Qazimi, Shaban, wanna go on an Albanian vacation and build a road alongside of a mountain? Po!

Hey Valon, Graniti, wanna go on an Albanian vacation? We’ll put together furniture for 5 days in Florida. Qyre Qyre sounds like a blast!

Hey Vjollca, your regular day job is too easy. I think you need an Albanian vacation. Po te lutem, nothing like a hard days work in paradise!
by Anton Kastraveci September 5, 2019
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When you go on vacation but work twice as hard as your regular day job.

Albanian Americans are one of the hardest working cultures in the world.
Hey Qazimi, Shaban, wanna go on an Albanian vacation and build a road alongside of a mountain? Po!

Hey Valon, Graniti, wanna go on an Albanian vacation? We’ll put together furniture for 5 days in Florida. Qyre Qyre sounds like a blast!

Hey Vjollca, your regular day job is too easy. I think you need an Albanian vacation. Po te lutem, nothing like a hard days work in paradise!
by Anton Kastraveci September 15, 2019
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