Chris is my friend who is not smart plays video games too much watches baby cartoons and has 2 bosses can and ebo
ebo:chris stop watching Pokemon and get working

Chris on: ok :(
by Urban dictionary is the best w January 30, 2019
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hot group of dilfs named chris's, that look amazingly hot without a tshirt and have beautiful asses

- evans
- hemsworth
- pine
omg the mcu chris's are so hot, except chris pratt
by I like dilfs an milfs August 26, 2021
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God of the human race. Most respected human walking the face of the earth. Best trumpet player there is.
He's just like a Chris! He's hot and sexy too!
by raNdomized September 22, 2008
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From the greek word 'christof'
Meaning awesome, kick ass, totally dominating and a sex GOD!
Often used in reference to someone from school you'll always remember.
Guy- 'do you still remember Chris?'

Chick- 'Was he that awesome, kick ass, totally dominating sex GOD? Yeah I think i do, what a CHRIS'
by Chris Mulcaster April 17, 2008
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christy: woah did you see that guy tonight?
phoebe: yeah he's such a chris! what a root...
by January 31, 2008
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the guy with most definitions on UD. So far 734 and climbing he must not have much to do.
wow that chris guy must have a ton of extra time.
by superninjapenguin March 1, 2007
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