A thousand (a grand) dollars wrapped in an identifying band from the bank.
I walked away with 9 g-bands playin' dice with the fellas.
by c-vil December 7, 2016
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A guy that has a 14 inch mandingo
Junoon G has a great mandingo
by Hot rod willams May 4, 2019
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A guy that has a really big and nice dick,money a lot of hoes and good looking
Wow he is so nice ne is a G-king
by Bruhman29 June 27, 2021
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A failure related to anything Google. Like G-Talk, G-Mail, ect... G-Crashes most often occur in Internet Explorer, but can occur on any platform. They are a pain in the ass.
When you have to many Google chat windows open at once and the page freezes, you have just experienced a G-Crash.
by The Unknown Mac October 29, 2008
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The multi purpose term for the g-buck currency. One g-buck has no value in USD, but large social value. One g-buck could get you a whole dabkin at a house party. But not to be confused with a moma G-Buck, those can only be used at the G buckinators dwelling,
"Damn dude, Robin gave me a dabkin for a whole g-buck, in the gimp suit!"
by Xan Marino December 28, 2022
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Lad:WaS’happening karas
Karas G:what’s happening mate have a fucking twix
by Egyptian King Lad May 5, 2022
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