Triggered, meaning when something annoys you or bothers you in anyway.. It could be used in a good way or a bad way.
Omg you literally just triggered me

I'm triggered
by Pbj_1 December 5, 2017
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The switched-pn reaction of being shocked and angered towards a certain scene or object that is unpleasant. The verb is trigger and the opposite is UNLOAD/UNLOADED.
"Man he's now triggered as fuck because of what she has done."
"What should we do then?"
"I guess I'll take him out tonight see if that can unloads him."
by kevinschooling January 6, 2017
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Something triggerable that was activated. What a normie definition.

Triggered is when one gets unprecedentedly mad, usually to the point where they wish for one's familys' limbs to be amputated, placed around a wooden ppole, have the triggerer (?) tied to said pole and then burned. Sike that's just when you lose to a default on Fortnite but that's still an example of triggered.
Ninja lost to a default, let's see how triggered he'll be!
by Veridicule December 27, 2018
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Being in a state of annoyed, angry, or irritated
Person 1: quit calling yourself hot because the only thing you’re turning on is the microwave
Person 2: bruh you’re making me triggered
by Dankestofthememes January 1, 2018
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Triggered: A person who is extremely offended and mad at the same time.
Person 1: I am only human.
Person 2: (huMAN, Triggering intensifies) now i am fu***ng triggered.
by 121313131313god1121212131313 December 8, 2016
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