The form of feminism that actually centers females as opposed to males (by recognizing women as a class and being able to prioritize them as a class) and not surprisingly the group of feminist that receive the most misogynistic rape and death threats- all in the name of progressiveness.
Radical feminism is actually radical. Not radical as in "cool" but radical as in "root".

Have you been to a rape crisis center?
Yeah? Thank a radical feminist- as in a second wave feminist-
by Ghostglitter December 20, 2016
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A man who stands up for woman, and woman rights. Usually goes around preaching to other woman, or on facebook, about how other men just want sex, and how they cant be trusted. Usually gives speeches on multiple social medias about how woman deserve more respect.

BUT behind the charades, and the speeches, he is a hypocrite. He speaks of feminine rights, to impress woman, in high hopes to get lucky and hook up with a female, or get a girlfriend.

No specific physical traits, but usually lonely, hasn't had a girl in a countless years, and/or creepy.
*AT A PARTY; Dialogue between a group of males *
Guy 1: Man, I almost hooked up with a girl earlier! she was wasted!
F.C.(Feminist Creep): Bro, you shouldn't be doing that. Woman deserve more respect. You know she was drunk, why would you want to take advantage of her?

**10 minutes later; Dialogue between the F.C. and a Female**
F.C.: Hey, wanna take this shot with me?
Female 1: No thank you.
F.C.: Dont worry you'll feel better after a couple of shots.
Female 1: No thanks.
---F.C. Then proceeds to ask for hugs, high fives, and tries his best to get as much physical contact with the targeted female (Anything from the previous actions mentioned, to things such as lifting up the female.)
by Mitch Yang September 1, 2013
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A masculine aligned person who bottoms in support of feminism.

Pegging allowed.

The opposite of a misogynistic top.
Me: wow Patrick is such a feminist bottom
Him: yes i love woman.
by CrabRava January 20, 2022
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-A true-feminist is a person who does what their job should be, equality between men and women.

-The opposite of a regular feminist.
"God, it's so hard to find a true-feminist in this cringe loaded world we live in."
by \\J3RB0WS1N// November 26, 2017
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A person, who actually want equal rights for men and women.
These types of feminists are commonly confused with Feminazis. Proper Feminists just want everyone to be equal, no hate towards men, no "male privilege" conspiracies, nothing like that.
You: God! Feminists are so fucking retarded!

Me: No, no, no. Proper Feminists are perfectly fine. Use the term "Feminazi" when talking about the man haters.
by Captain Cygni March 4, 2018
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A person who submits to traditional 1950s roles while also maintaining a sense of new age woman's liberation.
Lucy stepped into the role of a Feminist Housewife when she made banal lettuce sandwiches for her husband and son in the dinning room while her and her daughter ate homemade mac and cheese in the kitchen.
by SquareTableKnight November 29, 2021
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