What you use if you want some home dining. Have some Wine and Pasta
Wife: Do you want wap tonight?
Husband: I would love to have some wine and pasta, so tasty.
by wassupyall October 6, 2020
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1. To hit something with excessive force.
2. To draw an item out with speed (variation on whip).
1. Neil wapped that football pretty damn hard!
2. And so, quick as a flash, I wapped out my nine.
by jonno_15 June 5, 2007
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An acronym for Women Against Pornography; a group of women known to traipse about
with anti pornography signs and such and holler at people while showing them pictures of
"women being degraded"
Oh shit here comes those wap chicks again!
by Vine January 30, 2004
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Wax pen

device used to vape marijuana
"hey bro can i hit your wap”
by sippinthisyak March 5, 2019
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Intentional mispelling of the 'awp' sniper rifle in counter strike. Also can be used as a verb: 'wapped', or 'wappage'. Note that 'wap' rhymes with 'cap'.
1. "Oh shit! waps in the tunnel, take cover!"
2. "I just like totally wapped that noob!"
3. "That was some serious wappage on my part."
by zure January 3, 2006
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