A person who votes for a candidate or policy because they have made bad choices in life and they want people who have made good choices to subsidize their dumbass approach to life.
Bernie Sanders: Ahhhh, that stupid crack ho is my base. She’s just a good solid envy voter.

AOC: That dude is a loser who can’t bone. But he is a good solid envy voter.
by DonnySloot October 27, 2020
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A false narrative for why Republicans lose elections when it is actually because they have failed at policy and have the worst possible leader
The idiot criedvoter fraud” when he lost an election so badly because of his failures.
by UrbanDefinitionMaker November 13, 2020
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An coping mechanism used deflect the fact that you are fired and lost by a landslide.
"I still won, only not officially because of wide scale Voter Fraud."
by August0405 November 22, 2020
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Someone who goes on Urban Dictionary and down votes EVERY definition just because that's what they do. It does not matter if it is the correct definition they will still down vote it.
Guy 1: Hahaha look at that definition it's so funny!
Guy 2: I'm down voting it.
Guy 1: Not cool, why would you do that?
Guy 2: Because i am a down voter
by ihatedownvoters February 23, 2010
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A troll who down votes comments/submissions for the sole purpose of angering and confusing people.
I log on UD today and I see lots of words of the day's down voted. Looks like the work of a down voter troll.
by A2P July 12, 2009
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slow or dim witted. makes decisions with the absence of fact. gullible. propensity to fall victim to group think.
I asked the Biden Voter why he would vote for a do nothing career politician and all he could say was "Trump racist".
by stillMAGA November 18, 2020
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An accusation one makes when they lose an election. This may be used to assert that a given election is rigged.
Thomas: "I don't get why people think the 2020 election was rigged against Trump, I mean, he got way closer than any political scientist thought was possible."
Aiden: "Voter fraud!"
by DoctorFalcon November 11, 2020
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