turd (commonly known as crap,shit,poo and many more)
by troy stokes December 29, 2009
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brown thing that float im my toilet kinda like a monkey versoin of shit
look at dem turds expecially that big one
by PlayDohMan April 27, 2004
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A man who dodges work to avoid having to pay child support for his child/children.

Regardless of lack of income, has a major drinking/drug habit.

Appearance is sloppy, wearing sweat pants and house shoes everywhere he goes.

May or may not be found in the following locations: liquor store, his mama's couch, child support court, some obscure location where child support will never be able to find him.
Will not be found operating a motor vehicle; child support took his license years ago.
I broke up with ____ because he's a turd. I'm tired of driving him around and buying his beer all the time. He should quit running from child support and get a job!
by missQz February 3, 2010
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A derogatory term to describe someone with a low end personality.

A lump of excrement whose size and shape immediately reminds the viewer that in the real world Tinker Bell and fairy dust are myths.
A cartoon image of two high school kids walking into a classroom. One is a normal 17 year old the other a well dressed six foot turd with arms, legs and wearing glasses. The turd proudly tells the 17 year old, “I am going to be a lawyer when I finish school.”
by Poet laureate July 23, 2019
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A person who abuses someone and makes the world believe the opposite happened.
I told the world my husband beat me and pooped in my bed, but it was actually me. Turd
by TeamDepp May 23, 2022
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A little turd came out his butt
by UltraGamer February 26, 2017
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