I just tried to say "Justin Timberlake" outloud but it came out as "Jimber Timber"
by ♥🗺☠ June 22, 2021
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A racist word for a Native American. White people tend to tack on the word nigger to something that the Non-white people live near/in to make a quick and easy racial slurr. Native Americans live in the forrest, thus, timber nigger was coined.
Crouching Crow sure is one drunk timber nigger.
by TN October 26, 2005
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I woke up with some good morning wood so I was Tugging the Timber for awhile before I got up.
by Lt.Short Bus February 9, 2009
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When one is sitting taking a shit, his turd is so solid all the way down to where it touches the bottom of the toilet and is still connected to the rectum, and one stands up and the turd falls over and hits him in the nuts, and then one yells timber
I have to go take a poop.....
(10 minutes later)
thats a timber turd
by the great googlio October 10, 2009
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The rare occurrence when chills run down a males body and rest onto his fully erect penis. The resulting sensation is that of the penis pleasuring itself.
Damn. I just had one hell of a shivery timber. I need to change now.
by The real Joe February 4, 2016
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