A large city in Canada filled with pretentious hipster douchebags. Said douchebags inevitably come from 'just outside Toronto' which means Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound, Kingston and not Mississauga, Vaughan or Oakville. A city that has the highest per capita users in the world of electronic networking media (like lavalife and facebook and whatever else the fuck you want) b/c they live in an iPod world of their own, totally self-absorbed and lacking any depth whatsoever to carry a conversation with someone in the flesh, let alone meet someone. Toronto is not New York North as it likes to think it is, yes it has all the banks and shit b/c the separatists, rightly or wrongly, scared the shit out of the whiteys who flocked to Toronto to re-set up shop sometime in the 60's, making Toronto the "Centre of the Universe" to the aforementioned idiots and fucking Montreal in the process, which is truly the most world-class city in Canada.

The chicks are passable at best but are the hottest (in their minds) anywhere, the majority of dudes are either limpwristed metrosexuals or homosexuals and our fashion sense consists of chain stores as all the stylish shit that used to be on Queen is chainstored out.
Toronto is the fucking shit!

Where you from?
Just outside of Toronto.
Oh yeh? Like where - Oakville? Mississauga?
Nah, like Owen Sound.
by Toronto ROCKS April 14, 2010
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A city located on Lake Ontario that thinks it rules but in reality, it sucks.

Toronto prides itself with being diverse with Indonesian, Chinese and Muslims of all sorts. But unfortunately they are so caught up with trying to make these people feel welcome that white people get left behind. Just watch City TV. There is this ugly ass dark skin foreign news woman that looks like a hairy ass and the only reason she got the job is because she isn't white. I don't know about you but i'd rather watch a hot white woman on TV. All of these young professional Indonesian women try to dress like business women and take pride in their ethnicity. They also like to go to this coffee shop called Timothy's that is for faggots. Then they sit in there with their chinese and black friends and talk about issues and how they find it challenging to cut in in Canada with white people when it's them that cause the real problem.

It is also full of faggots and adademics that preach gay rights, and like to bash Americans. That pisses me off large because they live the same type of life as Americans but they still like to lay insults. I also can't stand gay men that carry a man purse or fag bag. They look like fucking pussies and they spend all their time in the salon getting highlights.

Even the white people there are assholes. They think that just because the Blue Jays play in Toronto that they have a Major League City. As a result all sorts of posers emerge. The most evident are the Jamaicans and other immigrants for that matter that pretend they are Harlem Hustlers. They think it will get them selves far to act like Finch Ave is gangsta just like the Bronx but they just end up putting gas in my car ten years down the road. You know who you are and lets's not forget the exco wiggers too.

Torontonians think that their city rules but they are the only ones that are really impressed. Anyone that has been to Chicago, New York, Montreal or Calgary know the meaning of a real city.

The only people that I don't mind are the greeks, jews, and Italians because Italian Women are beautiful and all of those people are pretty outgoing and they do a good job getting along with normal people. In other words they are basically white and they are definitely compatable.
Jamaican: Hey mon I'm too stupid to pass literacy test clown. Yo hustla, I like listening to jams of Kardinal Offishal talking about thug life so gangsta yeahh. Maybe someday the Americans will give props to Canadian rap hommie ganja smoker foole.

Indonesian: Ya holmes I wish Toronto was as dangerous as Detroit. Violence is just so Gangsta. I ride the 36 Finch Ave bus because i'm too poor to drive mon. Tomorrow I'm going to Scarlem to wear my baggy raptors jersey with my other gangsta hommies yo. That will get me far in life mon.

Pakistani woman with job: Ahhh. How I wish there were more opportunities for pakistani women. I think it is so unifair that white people can get jobs. Well got to get back to work so I can fund Al Quada back in the old country.

faggot: Oh my god I like so love these alian sunglasses and ugg boots they are so cute. And I love getting my salad tosses by people of all ethnicities.

Hot White female from London that everyone wants to do: (steps on the bloor danforth subway) Oh my god lets we should have taken the car. This train totally smells like diversity.

Rural Ontarian: Man I hate going into Toronto because those faggots and paki's don't understand that farmers grow food that feeds the gayest city on earth.
by I've been all over June 19, 2006
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toronto is the dirtiest, most violence-ridden city in canada. most of the people there are assholes and/or rapists. do not go to toronto. for cleaner, safer, nicer canadian cities, see vancouver, montreal, ottawa or halifax.
i was in toronto the other day and on the way to the subway station i stepped on 37 homeless people.
by student rick April 10, 2005
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Toronto is the largest city in Canada. It is the most diverse, friendly and accepting aswell.

Toronto is NOT filled with homophobics,racists,or ugly people. The people are friendly. Granted there are a few of those previously mentioned but overall the city is not in fact over run with "hairy brown women". Even if it was it's not those women's fault they were born hairy. And having brown, asian, black, and white people is not a con.

Toronto is my beloved home. It is said to have two seasons; winter and construction. This is in part true but once these construction projects are done, the city looks quiet lovely. In spring, the city is green and lofty tree lined streets and budding flowers are an abundance.

It may not be perfect but crime rates are low, I'm not afraid I will be attacked by a crazy druggie or hacked to death by an insane pig farmer *cough* vancouver *cough*.
I'm also not afraid to be me. I can be gay, ethnic, brainy and artsy and be accepted. Unlike Alberta...where i would be shot for thinking liberal...

Guess what racists? Toronto is great. I have travelled. I have been to every province and territory in Canada. I've been to London, Paris, New York, Belgium, and Holland. I have seen parts of the world and I like Toronto. I like my city in which stars sit and wonder under the very same skyline. I like the rush, the jazz, the little haven. I like Calgary and Edmonton and St.Johns too. I can like other cities.It's not heaven. But its home.
by greenworks May 10, 2009
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A city in the province of Ontario where Americans go to because the drinking age is 19, not 21, like in the states.
Yo, we 19, we gonna hit Toronto and get hammed.
by IWillBeYour419 April 7, 2004
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1. Large city that is to Canadians what New York is to Americans (in the sense of being the one place that everyone from elsewhere in the country agrees that they hate). Also resembles New York in being totally different in every way from the rest of the country.

2. (Hockey) A team that proves that management never has to field a winning team if the fans are sufficiently deluded/fanatical, and keep buying season tickets "just in case".

3. A Canadian city that is probably a little too full of itself (in terms of thinking of itself as "world class", etc.), but is still a good place to live.
If the Greater Toronto Area were a province all by itself, it would be the third most populous province in Canada.
by avgfhadsfkjbvhadsfjhbv September 1, 2006
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i am sick of all the back and forth about toronto. people saying its th greatest place ever, and others saying its a crime ridden shithole. I live in toronto and its not a bad place to live. the streets are relitively safe, and there there is a very diverse group of locations. saying that, no city, including toronto is perfect. of course there is drugs, violence, crime and polution, but really what city dosent have all that. and the subways are not that clean but where the fuck are they!im serious name one clean subway thats not in fucking narnia.
my biggest problem is the people. the city is filled with rude immigrants on welfare, violent jamacians, dirty fucking brown packies who try to act like niggas, but than go home to their home in the subburbs, and not to mention the 10billion fucking asians (but vancouver is still worse in that respect). stop talking so much shit about toronto, espically if u have never been here. this applies espically to the uneducated americans who believe anything outside "shithole alabama" is full of terriorists. and any city that dosent have a drug and crime problem is probably some shit suburb like Stratford ontario which cursed us with justin bieber (fuck you stratford). so stop talking shit and try improving your own city instead of dissing mine
toronto isnt perfect, but where the fuck is
by BlackT.dot April 29, 2011
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