dutch meaning for cancer short for ''kanker'' aka cancer
je kk moeder
by bada bing bada boe May 31, 2018
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Ok, cool

as opposed to

ok cool
Ok. Cool
Kk is like grammar
Ok, cool
by Lao Canniz February 15, 2022
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Makes me want to punch people in the face.
taking a look a the server now bud
by kkbroughtmehere March 25, 2015
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the lazy way of typing "k" into a message using a blackberry pearl--because if you type just a 'k' it shows it as a 'j', so instead of backspacing and typing 'k' again you just type two 'k's to make it go faster.
-"I'll b there in 2 min."
by rpksml01 May 25, 2009
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a way to kill an online conversation you no longer want to participate in.
Cool person: I'm moving abroad, not sure if I'm coming back. Just hitting that time in life, yanno?
Douche: KK
by HollyCantDrive November 29, 2009
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A Cocky Phrase People Use Instead of O.K.
by DRET May 28, 2017
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