A very casual form to say bye.

Add an additional ta for ta-ta and you get bye-bye.

In internet terms you have ttfn or ta-ta for now.
by DeeNeeCee January 1, 2011
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Yorkshire and Smoggy way to say "Thanks", "Bye", and "Thanks, bye"
1: "Ere you go lad"

2: "Cya then"
"Yeah ta"
by Dysxn April 27, 2018
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The name given to anybody named Theodore, Teddy, Ted, or Tad. It can be used in a variety of ways such as a noun or proper noun.

Pronunciation: (tay-yed)
Person A: "Hello, my name is Ted."

Person B: "Well hi there, Taed."
by Parker&Ali December 28, 2010
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Where's Joseph? He's tasing
by cherry1120 August 25, 2010
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The Animated Series. Such as Anime, The Simpsons, Family Guy ect.
Person #1. My ex got me Star Trek Episodes for Christmas
Person #2. TAS?
Person #1. No, the Live Action ones.
by Xelleron January 8, 2008
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Total Annihilation - The greatest RTS game EVER, made in 1995. (c) Cavedog note: the next ta game will be released as "Supreme Commander"
Supp N00bs, ready to be pwned in TA?
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Normally it’s Teachers Assistant, but when the professor has a crush on said TA or TA is thicc, it is Tits and Ass.
Professor 1: Oh hey, I see you got a new TA.

Professor 2: Yeah only because of her TnA.
by Megzots April 4, 2020
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