A lesbian that dresses in boy clothes. Most of the time has the ability to change another straight female's sexuality.
Damn that stud we saw at the movies was so cute.
by GayassGirl October 15, 2018
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A man who pulls a lot of girls
Davis thinks he’s a stud, but he’s just lying to himself.
by Davisisnotastud January 6, 2022
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How much of a stud is a person
She was overwhelmed by his studness.
by mightySTUD August 21, 2008
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1. Referring to a group of attractive men
2. Small metal tacks used for construction, repair, holding upholstery together, throwing under car tires, or hucking at old people.
3. Metallic bars inserted through peoples various body parts, either in the name of art or stupidity, either one, it just means you were bored and wanted a new hole.
4. A nick-name given to someone deemed “a god-awful shit-for-brains dumb bitch”.
(1) Check out those hawt studs.
(2) Let's go throw studs off the overpass and bet on the pile-up total.
(3) I was bored, so I got a few tounge studs.
(4)That bitch Studs is one dumb ho.
by BillyWhichDoctor.com August 1, 2005
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1. A straight/heterosexual girl who tends to be tomboyish in some ways by embracing masculine features and styles of dress ALONGSIDE their feminine qualities as a female; a tomboy.
2. A lesbian female who is not exactly a dyke, but who tends to embrace more masculine qualities towards their sexual/marital/romantic partner.
1. If a straight/heterosexual man dates a stud and she's straight/heterosexual as well, it can be considered a "heterosexual" relationship, and he should not be considered "gay" for dating a stud just cuz she's a tomboy or seems to act like a dyke.
2. Many lesbian girls do not like to be called "dykes" because it is derogatory and offensive if it is not taken as a term of pride or endearment, sometimes they like to be called "studs" instead.
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(N.) In a lesbian relationship, the stud has the more aggressive mentality (in most cases).

A "stud" typically dresses more masculine, and enjoys the normal "man" activities (ie. watching sports, hanging out, fucking).

A "stud" is stereotypically used to describe a black masculine lesbian, as most white masculine lesbians are considered "butch".
Hey, did you know that Tammy has a new stud?
by Lia' January 28, 2004
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Non STI bumps or "studs" on a mans dick. they are actually inflamed sebaceous glands, that even though they look like they could be something, are not.

Most people agree that these make sex more enjoyable.
He was great last night, he even had studs!
by ChristianSoldier99 June 14, 2009
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