A strong hunky hunk hunkeroo that will eat you.
"Hey bro do you know who BooBoo Stewart is?"

"Yeah bro, his man bun is sooOooO hot!"
by Tanya Degurechaff June 20, 2020
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It's a verb, it means to leave your child behind and not respond to his tweets to come back because you're to busy doing ACT skype sessions.
Man, My Old Lady Thought She Had ME Stuck With This child. Little does she know, I'm about to pull a Brian Stewart. LOL
by Rodger Stewart July 22, 2016
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After intercourse, when the male gets up to leave the female's place, he wipes his penis on her curtains.
"I snuck out while she was asleep, but before I left I gave her the Martha Stewart."
by WhoMe December 16, 2004
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Often reffered to as “The Manor” or “Greatest town in North America.” Small town on Long Island that is populated by old people and a ton of underage alcoholics. Big party town but doesn’t get enough recognition because nobody knows what it is.
Cool Person: Bro, you coming to Stewart Manor this weekend?
Loser: What the fuck is Stewart Manor?
by Yeaaa2667 October 6, 2017
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The girl scared of minions who is weirdly cute? (Also one of the best actors ever)
Person 1: Do you know who Pupinia Stewart is?

Person 2: is that the girl scared of minion’s

Person 1: yup
by Cute cat<3 May 15, 2022
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1) The african-american green lantern.
2) An annoying misspelling of Jon Stewart, host of the daily show.
John Stewart's portrayal in the Justice League cartoon was probably the best of any green lantern. DC characters can be deep, sometimes.
by birdboy2000 June 24, 2005
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