When the mere prescence of someone interferes with your productivity it is as if they are stepping on your dick.
My project was nearly complete until my boss came and was stepping on it.

I was about to line up the digits with a hottie until some Randy came and was stepping on it.
by Ginger Josh May 12, 2006
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to literally crush as if a bug by virture of higher placement in the hierarchy, stronger or more numerous skills and/or friends, coordination with same, better funding or more accurate up to date information usually a combination of the above
The US forces stepped on that little problem in Greneda.
by austin the goat February 15, 2005
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Songs… probably just the ones I have posted so far. We haven’t really spent any time together. We spoke more months ago, at least on occasions… now, not at all through messages or face to face:(.

When we did message each other, I loved his sense of humor (correct spelling:) and the way he would make me frazzled. I loved the way he seemed to know how I would react… and that is a pretty shocking task:) I don’t even know how I am going to respond at times.

I don’t argue… I don’t yell. I don’t complain… My job requires me to see all perspectives, so it has become my daily nature:) you are correct, a lot of people can not place themselves in someone else’s shoes per se… or even try. Much of the world (in my opinion) is only concerned about themselves.
I am glad to hear my writing inspired you… it is amazing how we lock things up and we don’t even know they were. But I truly believe now it is that one special person who holds the key to unlock the unknown… He is my key. He always will be.

2023 has knocked me down, stomped on me, and everything else you can imagine… but I continue to believe.

My earlier writings you can see everything was literal. I love writing poetry now… it is kinda funny I have rhyming on my mind so much, I have caught myself rhyming when I speak.

Overthinking… at what minute :) my head is comparable to a pin ball machine… more the ball than the machine. Lol.

I love to dance!! My vacuum has been a great partner and it has a mic too:) I definitely have imagined us dancing… through the grocery store aisles, in the kitchen, I have always wanted to learn ballroom dancing… I imagined us doing it together… me stepping on his feet and the laughs while we both are somewhat out of our comfort zone, but the love we have for each other has more beats than any dance we would learn.
by Unforgettable 🎵I ❤️ u!! September 23, 2023
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To step means to go in general, but usually implies going to the next party
Most commonly used in the dmv
M: shit, is everyone stepping?
D: yeah man let’s step
by Slimshady420blazeit October 5, 2018
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To shit, throwup, ejaculate, and/or piss in, on , or near anything or anyone.

To make something that was very clean and pristine, totally disgustingly messy and gross.
When I come home drunk and horny, I usually STEP on the floor, the dog, the bed, my wife and one of the cats before I fall asleep.

Matt: Is that an above ground pool in the ground?

Andrew: Why yes it is.

Matt: That's pretty redneck. It looks like someone STEP'd in it.

Andrew: Its just the oak tree fuzzies.

Matt: You should pour that 5 gallons of pool chlorine in it.

Andrew: OK, but when it clears up, you better not STEP in it.
by mjobnd April 30, 2010
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Sitting in an uncomfortable position or on an uncomfortable surface for a long time until one's butt starts to hurt.
Person 1 "sorry I'm late man"

Person 2 "I've been on the step for like half an hour!"
by road muscle June 25, 2008
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