“I haven’t showered in 13 days I have such a smelly crotch
by ZACHYWILLY October 10, 2020
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A twat that hasn't been properly cleaned for days resulting in horrendous odors.
The men who are into Melaynya love an unwashed rancid smelly hootie.
by Vermont Fag December 23, 2016
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The act of befouling high-brow or pretentious works of art with a previously worn butt-plug while ‘Methods of Dance’ plays in the background on loop
“Mrs Blennerhasset, if you put The Unicorn in before we go to The Tate, you might be able to stealthily execute a Smelly Sylvian before lunch”
by Nayyyyyy! August 29, 2021
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When a guy tries to speak to women, but they constantly turn him down because his chat stinks.

It's almost as they're not interested because his breath smells bad! But it isn't, it's just the amount of shit he talks.

Basically the geezer chats shit!
Me: Look at Ricky trying to talk to that girl

Danny: Mate, he'll get nowhere, that boy has the smelliest chat ever!!

Me: I know, his smelly chat is worse than yours!!
by vikingfury January 16, 2012
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The biggest fattest ass that smells like a rotting corps,smells like shit
by Daddy Deihl October 30, 2017
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just those kids that u walk behind and smell like dog shit
ohh shit cunt u got a smelly arse

fuk u cunt, i will steal ur misses

Smelly arse: the fat cunt that doesnt shower
by MADLAD_ May 28, 2019
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A large, extremely viscous mass of human fecal matter left floating in the toilet. Smelly Ehlerts usually defy several attempts at flushing and have to be manually broken up.
"Dude, someone left a smelly ehlert in the second floor bathroom, and it stinks like hell."
by The Master Passer March 19, 2005
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