-is your dealer dry?
- nah he's still slaying.

by iwantyourweedmofo October 11, 2006
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To drink heavily, specifically alcohol. A more evolved form of casual drinking. Including but not limited to beer bongs, shotguns, and doubleshots
Let's go slay some beers.
by JMPJMP September 22, 2006
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originating from the depths of new zealand extreme backyard trampolining, this word is used to describe the act of double bouncing someone with such a great force that the victims legs crumple beneath him and he falls to the ground,"slayed".
"Dude, yesterday i fully slayed your mum so bad, you should have heard her screaming"


by battyboy3000 December 10, 2009
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she's been sLayin' aLL these niccahs lateLy
by imzladii July 14, 2003
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the guy out of your group of friends that gets the most pussy of everybody. All your friends want to be the "slay-slay".
I think Jon is the new slay-slay, with all that ass he's getting.
by ammama June 20, 2006
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when someone looks impressively beautiful and slays it
You are slaying in red babe!
by Sanayy May 3, 2016
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