A slash fanfiction pairing, known as SKIPPY. It is Kevin Jonas (of the Jonas Brothers) and Mike Carden (of The Academy Is...). The Pairing was made popular, or invented, by author skoosipants on Livejournal. Skippy currently has an entire community, with a rather large fanbase, dedicated to them called 'so damn skippy' on Livejournal.
person 1: so, you're into slash fanfiction, too? who's your OTP?

person 2: SKIPPY!!

person 1: who's skippy?

person 2: Mike Carden and Kevin Jonas, DUH!
by Rawqkstahhr June 27, 2010
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Cheap-ass shoes. This term circa 1997. Kids who wore "skippies" were teased relentlessly at the summer camp I went to. Also, the "skip-aa" pronunciation does not apply to this definition.
"Skippies... they make your feet feel fine, skippies, they cost a dollar ninety-nine." I don't know if this was an actual advertising jingle or not.
by Alex September 24, 2003
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Name of a prominent Australian bush kangaroo popularized in 60's TV adventure show.
The media were unaware that, despite being married, Skippy was a lesbian. No great surprise, she being a "bush" kangaroo.
by randomputz September 11, 2003
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the poop smear left in a toilet after it's been flushed.
Someone left a nasty skippy in the handicap stall.
by Sven Golly July 23, 2012
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A bloody kangaroo that masturbated with its joey in front of the class and all the girls. none people like skippy cause hes a bastard.
by TINYGEORGE#THEBEST October 24, 2018
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A easy girl who will have sex with anyone.
Dat girl is skippy! Like the peanut butter......EASY TO SPREAD
by Pittbull March 25, 2005
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an undereducated, ill-informed and over opinionated dumb ass liberal who tries to bully others into conforming to their irrational demands.
Did you see those Skippys harassing those old people in DC the other night?

If that big mouth Skippy gets in my face again, he/she's gonna regret it.

I can't talk to him/her if he gonna get all Skippy on me.
by sillysparrows September 12, 2020
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