abbreviate as BSNB.

1. A declarative phrase often used by losers to exclaim, in belligerent braggadociousness, some perceived advance or victory.

2. A phrase used by boheimillectuals and nerdy English majors, often ironically, to mock the ultimate futility of any personal success or advance - a phrase declared in sardonic self deference corrupted by secret ambition.
All you suckers can eat my hot lunch because I'm big shit now bitches now that I've dirty sanchezed both the Bush twins.

Written in cyberspace:
OMG- can you believe how BSNB Steven thinks he is after Bill O'rielly at his dirty lunch.
by Thizzom November 10, 2005
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A slang term for a black PIMP
Martin: Thats a nice car how did you afford that?
SFBM: I'm a pimp, get all the shit I want
Martin: You Shit Faced Bitch Master!
by Catmanjew November 30, 2009
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to cheer some one on in a way as if there doing a good job at what ever they happen to be doing , to motavte someone to continue what ever they are doing say if there danceing,fighting,getting a number from a girl/boy.

this pharse is used in southern cali very often
look at Monica over there danceing with that boy she turnt up "Get that shit bitch"

is that Tiffany over there pulling that boy number? oooh shit "Get that shit bitch"
by cellygothisfame1 February 20, 2010
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1. A term used to describe a person, usually female, that is useless, trifling, bitchy, or possesses any other negative trait.
1.Did you see the face that trick gave me? That piece of shit bitch...

2.Did he ever pay you back the money he owed you?
What a piece of shit bitch!
by StartsWithaG June 11, 2009
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"Shit bitch whoreface" was brought about in the eighteen hundreds when a young lad had a rough verbal fight with his then life mate. It was then that this phrase became popular, as when he used it in a flurry of not knowing what to say in comeback, a nearby villager overheard it and then decided to use it, so on and so forth. This word was brought over from England in the nineteen hundreds and has then since been a favourite among the American peoples.
Person 1: Oh my god, you're such a skank.

Person 2: Whatever, you're a fucking shit bitch whoreface.

Person 1: *Immobilized from the sheer amazment at that comeback. Thus losing the fight.*
by Flamma May 7, 2006
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A random faggot you see when you are walking and feel like fucking up physically or mentally...preferably verbally.

A pussy that has no balls and must be ragged on if seen, failure to do so will result in immediate disrespect and gayness of the spectator.
FRANKLIN: Do you know who Woody is?
RALPHI: Yes, I do! He's that pussy shit bitch that I was recently acquainted with. Dito, Uribe, and Bobby were with me when I encountered him.
FRANKLIN: Oh! Really. Do you hold him in high esteem?
RALPHI: Actually, quite the contrary, he is a pussy shit bitch. I saw him and noticed that he was jamming a vibrator up his ass and decided to stick him in the face and he lay prostrate on the floor begging for forgiveness. At that moment, being so fragile and debilitated, Dito held him down on the floor while Bobby and Uribe beat the shit out of him and shoved the vibrator back in his ass.
FRANKLIN: He must really be a pussy shit bitch then.
by Ralphi June 1, 2007
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