The collective noun for a group of THOT. Keep in mind that since THOT is an acronym for "That Ho Over There" the plural form is "Those Hoes Over There" and is still written THOT, not THOTs
"Dude, look over there, there's a whole Rumor of Thot!"
"Oh man, keep your distance"
by Peterdgr8 November 30, 2017
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It all depended on whether you believed Lizzo or not, and I believed her, the rumors were true.
by The Original Agahnim December 18, 2021
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A piece of information that is usually false, often spread around to deteriorate someone’s reputation. You never quite know who heard it first, but the best way to stop one is to not spread it, keep it to yourself, no matter what.
If a guy ever spreads a rumor that he slept with you, don’t deny it.

1. Because there will always be people who think it’s true
2. That dumbass boy just handed you the power to say anything about what he’s like in bed, A ̶N ̴D̶ ̵ P ̶E̶ ̵O P̶ ̴L̴ E̵ ̶W̶ I̶ L L ̵ ̶B ̶E̵ ̵L̴ I̵ E V̶ E̴ ̴ ̵I̴ ̵T̴
by Gravity Club April 29, 2021
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A queen bee in Inkwell Isle 3 in a game called Cuphead.
Rumor Honeybottoms didn't think through the last phase.
by how did you find this October 31, 2021
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A rumor started on Wikipedia that is just too good to be true.
"I read it on a Wiki!"
"That's a Wikid rumor, sounds too good to be true"
by socceronly January 13, 2012
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