A sense that is used to warn you about the presence or of the approach of a CB (crazy bitch).
Person 2: What dude?
Person 1: My CB Radar is going off!
Person 2: Oh right, I see that CB approaching. Let's leave.
by dominator69 August 16, 2011
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When a car is driving ahead of you and just a little faster than you.
See that red car up there? He's my radar detector.

That Toyota just got pulled over, I had better slow down until I find myself another radar detector.
by Harmony08 October 4, 2010
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Food radar is someone that knows where every piece of food in everyone's house is at including
Koreansymbol is a food radar
by Regans ball definition July 13, 2016
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(adj.) Totally insignificant, will be forgotten the moment it leaves.
Many people thought The Beatles were just a blip on the radar of popular music. Within weeks they were proved wrong.
by Gumba Gumba July 23, 2004
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During vehicle travel, especially on highways or freeways, any vehicle which is driving faster that you, either behind or in front, which can be used as protection against getting written up for a radar speed violation. The theory being that the "radar bait" vehicle would be written up rather than you. If if you are also exceeding the posted speed limit.
We'll follow the Ford which passed us; He'll be the radar bait! radar radar bait freeway highway vehicle
by SUMP May 6, 2014
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A "sixth sense" that most people have that can sense if someone is crushing on another one
"Hey John, my crush-radar says you're crushing on sarah"
by TheSovietsDeepSeaAlgae May 7, 2013
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The ability many autistic people have that allows them to determine someone's general kindness/trustworthiness mere moments after meeting the person regardless of other's opinions of them.
I don't know why, but Bethany sets off my autistic radar, I wouldn't be surprised if she said something racist
by Sosilly26 June 23, 2022
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