Is a quiche of made mostly out of egg and queef. (Vaginal Flatulance...)
When a person queefs in another's face and says: "Enjoying the Queef-Quiche?"

"Hey Simon - Pass the queef quiche!"

"Another slice of queef quiche thank you!"

"Whats your favorite type of quiche? - Queef, of course!"
by Dr Queef Sneefer August 9, 2009
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a wimp who gets too much attention or credit. An irritating, preppy, goody two-shoes pussy
The guy on the TV show, The Bachelor, is a quiche bag.
by Fagel Bagel February 4, 2009
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(keesh_ed) 1-verb, to finish promptly ; to drink, take in : 2-noun, the act of finishing a drink and thusly tossing discard into a trash receptacle and/or on the floor
Bro started the night strong, he quiched four beers in no time, he has been talking about the '96 Packers since.
by Raspy Barnickle July 25, 2010
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slang for fat person, normally used to describe an over-weight female
"She's alright for a quiche!"

"I wouldn't mind doing a quiche, just for the craic"

"Carl pulled an absolute quiche last night!"
by Martymaterazzi March 3, 2009
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a fairly uninteresting story, usually told alongside a load of babbling and rambling on about something completely uneventful.
i ate a pizza while i was in spain, it was wild.

wow, that is such a quiche story!
by avu1380 January 17, 2011
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The result of digestion. ie: the brown excrement that is evacuated from the anus once or twice a day (if you're functioning correctly). Called so due to it's quiche-like consistancy, with many broken up pieces of random substance.
"Holy fuck Mark, I really need to lay a beef quiche. Is there anywhere I can back one out, otherwise I may just have to give you a hot carl!"
by Mule February 20, 2006
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The most deadliest sex position known to man. No one can actually describe what The Bosnian Quiche entails, due to the fact that those who had ever dared perform it either lost several limbs or vital organs and were too traumatized to reveal their experience, or never survived to tell the tale.
So there I was, greased up to my elbows in flax seed oil, about to perform The Bosnian Quiche on a Cambodian boy, when all of a sudden there came a ringing on my hand held cellular device!
by Lel Cordell April 27, 2008
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